Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Christians in the bond of community seeking to serve the world in the love of God.

The Standing Committee


Standing Committee Questions?

Email Liz Salamone at standing.committee@episcopaldioceseofrochester.org

May 3, 2023

An update to the Bishop Search from the Very Rev. Kenneth Pepin, President of the Standing Committee


letter from the  Discernment and Nominating Committee 

May 1, 2023


March 15, 2023

letter from the Rev. Julie Cicora, Chair of the Discernment and Nominating Committee


March 3, 2023


Dear friends and colleagues:

In the spirit of transparency and goodwill, the Standing Committee is writing to catch you up on where we are in our Episcopal Transition process. As you know, read more


Listening Sessions

January 26, 2023

The Standing Committee is pleased to release the attached ”What We Heard” narrative summary of the 15 Listening Sessions we held. It was both a privilege and a gift to be able to invite conversation and then listen.  Read more


"What We Heard"

January 26, 2023

This is a narrative form of what we heard. It attempts to capture and summarize what the Standing Committee members heard in the Listening Sessions.  Read more.

The Standing Committee has several functions.  It acts as the Bishop's Council of Advice (Article VII.2);  approves actions that encumber real property/equipment of the church; approves indebtedness for current expenses in excess of 20% of the previous year’s receipts for current expenses; approves requests to elect bishops; approves the election of bishops; and, approves candidates for Holy Orders. It is composed of four lay and four clerical members, has a (4) year term that begins and ends at the annual convention. The Standing Committee serves as the Ecclesiastical Authority in the absence of a bishop.

Please direct all questions to the Standing Committee to President, The Very Rev. Kenneth Pepin.


Name Role Details Term Contact
Richard Little Appointed
Unexpired Term
2024 to 2024 Richardleelittle@yahoo.com
Rev. Columba Salamony Elected
2023 to 2027 columba@stmarkspennyan.org
Roxanne Gaylord Elected
2023 to 2027 roxanne@stthomasbath.org
Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson Elected
2020 to 2024 rector@christchurchrochester.org
Floyd Bayley Elected
2020 to 2024 fbayley42@gmail.com
Rev. Nita Byrd Elected
2021 to 2025 byrd@hws.edu
Rev. Cameron Miller Elected
2022 to 2026 rcammiller@gmail.com

Meeting Minutes