Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Joy in Christ, a way of life

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We had a special opportunity to learn from, and engage online, the authors of , Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah, on October 24. We offer a synopsis of each chapter of this tough but true book and hope you will study all or most of it. Despite all the progress we have made in the area of human dignity as it relates to civil rights, women’s rights, rights of LGBTQ siblings, we are still dragged by the dehumanizing meta narrative called the Doctrine of Discovery that injects the virus of racial casteism into our body politic. Such a narrative influences the subconscious and impacts unconscious biases unless we are constantly aware and vigilant. A heightened awareness of the violence directed toward black and brown bodies has caused us to pause and face up to the American iteration of Caste as a system. 
We offer this recording of a conversation with the authors, as we humbly navigate unsettling truths and equipping ourselves to consider building beloved community where we all are.

This special event was brought to you by the Episcopal Dioese of Rochester, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Rochester, and The Racial Reconciliation, Healing, and Justice committee (RRHJ).

Narrative of Whiteness