Episcopal Diocese of Rochester

A message from Bishop Stephen Lane

Dear Siblings and Friends in Christ,

Some of you have heard by now that my mother, Betty Lane, who turned 101 on June 18th of this year, died early Friday morning, July 8th. My mother has been a nursing home resident since a bout with Covid last December and recently suffered a couple of falls. I had an intuition that she was failing and decided, just before leaving for the General Convention, to stay in Rochester. I’m not always the most intuitive person, but I’m grateful for the nudging of the Spirit on this occasion. I was able to be with her yesterday and last night.

Our Deputation to the General Convention continues their faithful service on our behalf, and I am in touch with them as needed. I will offer a couple of brief updates on the General Convention to the diocese as I have the information.

Thank you to all who have reached out to me with condolences and prayers. Your care buoys me up, and I am grateful. I have good support from family and friends. My family is widely scattered, and we will hold a memorial service later this summer when all can gather.

If you need to contact me, please be in touch with Sarah at sarah@episcopaldioceseofrochester.org. I look forward to being in touch with you soon.

