Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Joy in Christ, a way of life

You're Invited!

Youre invited to the second Episcopal Diocese of Rochester’s Celebration of Absalom Jones.  This year’s celebration at Two Saints of the first African American priest in the Episcopal Church will be an exciting and inspiring worship event.  The guest preacher will be the Very Reverend Canon Martini Shaw.

The Rev. Shaw Fr. Shaw is a native of Detroit, Michigan.  He earned his Master of Divinity degree from McCormack Theological Seminary in Chicago.  Fr. Shaw earned a Doctor of Ministry degree in liturgics from the Graduate Theological Foundation as well as completing coursework at Oxford University.  He became the seventeenth rector of the historic African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in 2003.  The parish of St. Thomas continues to be an active voice in advocating for causes of social justice and equality. Absalom Jones, the founder of the church, served as the first priest of the parish from 1802 through 1811.  

There will be a multicultural potluck following the service.  You're asked to bring a dish representative of your heritage to pass if you're attending.  

Also invited are members of parish choirs throughout the diocese to sing with the celebration choir.  Those interested in singing should contact the music director of Two Saints, Dr. Christopher Petit, at christopherpetit@yahoo.com.