Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Joy in Christ, a way of life

You're Invited!

 In my Convention address, I had mentioned the formation of a task force on Racial Reconciliation, Healing and Justice (RRHJ) for our Diocese.  After a series of meetings exploring ways to clarify our goals and organize this formation opportunity, I am happy to introduce to you the Commission on RRHJ. The Commission will guide us in studying, praying, and thinking of concrete ideas to articulate a clear vision. We are discerning a three-pronged approach and have assigned subcommittees focusing on top priorities.
1. Celebrating our diversity
2. Training leaders in competency 
3. Educating to address morphing iterations of racism in our world
For a deeper understanding on this Commission, please read my Let it Shine Article!  Final Let it shine ARTICLE.pdf

You're Invited!

Kicking off this important movement for our Diocese is honoring February Black History Month. You are all invited to St. Luke’s and St. Simon Cyrene to celebrate the Blessed Absalom Jones.  Below is a poster with the details.  Parish Administrators - you're invited to print and hang in your parish halls!

Blessed Absalom Jones was the first African American priest in the Episcopal Church (Ordained in 1804).  We invite all of you to join us as we gather to celebrate this joy on February 2, 2019. We are most grateful to the leaders of Two Saints for hosting this event and opening their hospitality to the larger Diocese!

We will have a liturgy with eucharist and much singing—you can volunteer to lend your voice. 
You can come prepared for a feast! You can enrich this by bringing a dish from your cultural roots, perhaps with a small flag indicating the native country and why this dish brings you joy!
You can encourage your youth group to attend this event to expand their understanding of our church, and our society.
You can come prepared to be inspired by a presentation of “Bringing Harriet Tubman to life” by Maggie Moore-Holley. Her presentation will be for twenty minutes followed by a Q&A channeling Harriet Tubman!

Pray for this Commission as they help us engage in various events for this significant expression of our identity as a church that is striving to Become Beloved Community. Please look for more information and updates from this Commission. 

We hope you can attend this inaugural Diocesan event, kicking off our efforts to learn and grow as Beloved Community. Wishing you the joys of this Epiphanytide!

Prince G. Singh
Bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Rochester