Ordination and Consecration
We give thanks to God for the Ordination and Consecration of the Right Reverend Kara Wagner Sherer
as IX Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester!
You will find links to watch the live stream recording and the service bulletin.
When was the Consecration?
Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 11:00 AM
10:00 AM Doors open and processions arrive
10:30 AM Prelude and livestream begin
11:00 AM Ordination and Consecration Liturgy
Where was the Consecration?
Asbury First United Methodist Church, 1050 East Ave, Rochester, NY 14607.
Who could attend?
Everyone was welcome to attend and celebrate the Consecration of the Very Rev. Kara Wagner Sherer.
Was there an offertory?
Yes, you can still give for the Bishop's Appeal, and donations to four local community organizations. Checks may be made out to the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester. Alternatively, you can donate online and select the Bishop's Appeal fund.
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