Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Christians in the bond of community seeking to serve the world in the love of God.

Convention 83

Our heartfelt thanks to all the saints who helped make the 83rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester a joyful, exciting event, including Trinity Episcopal Church in Greece, our host; the many volunteers from Trinity and other parishes who gave of their time so freely; all who helped in worship, including the Rev. Winnie Varghese, our preacher, and Laurie Barrett Phillips of Holy Cloaks, who made special stoles and banners for the event; elected and appointed members of leadership who work tirelessly throughout the year to bring sound, faithful fiscal policy and thought-provoking resolutions to Convention; delegates who make the journey to Convention to speak for their parish; youth who came to speak passionately about Christ and transformation in our churches; officers of the Diocese, including Convention Secretary Susan Woodhouse; and Convention Planning Committee Co-Chairs the Very Rev. Debs Duguid-May (far left) and Hazeldene Hercules (far right), who helped all of the moving parts of Convention come together with grace. God bless all of you!