Episcopal Diocese of Rochester

Bishop's Writing / Enews July 2024

July 25, 2024

A good bishop “is not the master of your faith, but the servant of your joy.” (anonymous)
This quote arrived with a funny card depicting ancient sculptures of saints in various states of
torture, ecstatic joy, and labor and was hand-labeled: “some days as bishop,” “occasional days as
bishop,” and “most days as bishop.” That this is hard work is not surprising, but the quote
immediately spoke to me. I feel called not to direct your faith or correct your ways but to witness
to the gifts God has given you and, like a midwife, encourage and cheer as love and justice burst
forth. I am grateful for your presence here as we make vows together for the care of the people of
this diocese and the common good of our communities.
Vows are a vulnerable thing to make, especially when we are just beginning to get to know each
other. We say, “I do,” trusting that God has brought us together through the power of the Holy
Spirit and confident that Christ is manifested in each of us and most powerfully when we seek to
be the body of Christ together. I hope you will agree to midwife me as well; please show me how
you are using the gifts God has given you, encourage me with your works of love and justice, and
most importantly, speak your truth to me so that we can be equal partners in the work of the
This ordination and consecration service is a celebration of a new ministry—my call to be your
leader, pastor, and servant of your joy—your call to work together to discern how God is calling us
in our particular communities to live our promises of baptism and community. Please fill this place
(virtual or physical) with your presence, your prayers, and, most of all, your joy. God loves us, calls
us in love, and makes us agents of that infectious love.

God’s Blessings,

Kara +