Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Joy in Christ, a way of life

Congregational Development during the Pandemic – a conversation about Grief

Congregational Development during the Pandemic – A conversation about Grief – Thursday, May 6th at 6:30 pm

Even as there are hopeful signs on the pandemic horizon, the reality of the losses we have all experienced in some ways feel heavier. Congregations have been unable to gather in our usual ways to grieve the deaths of family members and friends, missed connections with members, and in some ways have lost a year of their life and ministry together. How can we grieve these losses, help our members process their grieves, and begin to heal as congregational life slowly returns to normal? 

Congregational leaders (lay and clergy) are invited to join us for a conversation about pandemic grief and congregational life.

Please join us on Zoom:  https://zoom.us/j/97103377114?pwd=cFdkVk5xdXhVN1NwbjdqTXJpRS9XUT09

  • The Rev. Paul Frolick, director of the College for Congregational Development, Diocese of Rochester
  • The Rev. Canon Carrie Schofield-Broadbent, Canon for Transitions and Church Development, Diocese of Central NY
  • The Rev. Stephen Crippen, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in couple and individual psychotherapy, Diocese of Olympia