Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
Joy in Christ, a way of life

Blessing Trinity Place

A letter from Keren Tuxill

To:  The Congregation of  Trinity,

To those of you who were able to be with us today, and more especially, to those of you who were unable to join us,  first and foremost, we, the people of Trinity, have a new Rector!  And, equally important, Trinity Place has been consecrated!

Bishop Singh joined us to bless the new relationship between Trinity and our new Rector, Cameron Miller, and to consecrate Trinity Place as a new part of Trinity's mission in Geneva. The Bishop spoke eloquently of coming , as Jesus did, down from the mountain into the village, of stepping out of our comfort zones to be accessible and vulnerable, and about how, in being a bridge from one world to another, one also becomes a footpath.  He spoke about the truth that everyone of us is wounded and in that lies our strength.

The service was very moving.  The music in the smaller space was uplifting.  The decor and the special quilts and painted artwork were a beautiful and peaceful addition to the space.  And, for those of you who were not present, you missed an incredible meal of pulled pork, authentic fried chicken as well as potatoes, baked beans, salad, and, as tradition would have it, Beth French's awesome homemade cupcakes in an assortment of flavors.

So, fellow Trinitarians, my Body of Christ, as I write to celebrate our very, very good news, I also write to remind us all of the desert we have crossed.  We have a Rector, at long last.  But, we need to continue to be mindful that we are the congregation.  We are the Body of Christ.  We are the Church.  We cannot afford the luxury of forgetting how fundamental our role is in keeping our church viable and strong.  The long years we have spent in the wilderness have equipped us to be good and faithful partners with the courageous and steadfast priest who has accepted the call to be our shepherd.  


With love in Christ,

Keren Tuxill

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